Rumored purchase of GN Group could mean divestment of hearing aid division, says media

Inside Business has learned that a number of buyers might be looking to buy GN Store Nord stock while it’s cheap, with the plan to sell one division, GN Hearing, while keeping Audio.
Photo: GN Store Nord / PR
Photo: GN Store Nord / PR
by christian bundgaard, translated by daniel pedersen

International private equity firms and industrial players are reportedly considering buying GN Store Nord stock with the intention of delisting the firm, media Inside Business has learned.

The purpose would be to acquire the entire company to increase its value. According to Inside Business, that could mean the divestment of the hearing aid division GN Hearing, which has taken a back seat following the parent firm’s expansion of its Audio division with the acquisition of Steelseries.

Industrial players would be more interested in devouring GN Hearing whereas the buyers would focus on GN Audio, says Inside Business, which reports that interested buyers have already analyzed ties between the GN Group’s two business legs, and decided that severing the two wouldn’t pose a particular problem.

Shortly before lunchtime, GN stock increased in price by 21%. The spike is likely due to Inside Business’s story, says Sydbank senior analyst Søren Løntoft Hansen according to MarketWire.

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