About MedWatch

MedWatch is an independent online media with a mission to deliver credible, independent, critical, fair and topical business news about the biotech, pharmaceutical and medtech industries.

We update MedWatch regularly and issue two Danish and one English newsletter on a daily basis. The articles are produced by our permanent staff group consisting of six journalists which is managed by Editor Mikkel Aabenhus Hemmingsen (E-mail). Furthermore, freelancers and external partners such as Jyllands-Posten – one of the major Danish dailies, Marketwire – the leading Danish financial news agency, and Bloomberg contribute to our daily news flow.

We aspire to provide our readers with high-quality journalism, which is why some articles are only available to our subscribers.

If you or your company is interested in a MedWatch subscription, please follow this link: https://MedWatch.com/service/subscription/

You can contact us at:


Rådhuspladsen 37
1785 Copenhagen V
T: +45 3330 8360