Despite new diabetes treatments, Novo Nordisk predicts long-term success for insulin

Martin Holst Lange, Executive Vice President of Development at Novo Nordisk, thinks there will be no cure against diabetes in the next couple of decades, despite stem cell therapy trials.
Photo: Jacob Ehrbahn
Photo: Jacob Ehrbahn
by mikkel aabenhus hemmingsen, translated by helene von tabouillot

Even though Novo Nordisk was founded on the invention of insulin a 100 years back, the treatment is less and less central to the company.

However, insulin will play a key role in diabetes treatments for many years to come, says Martin Holst Lange, executive vice president of Development at Novo Nordisk, to Danish daily Børsen.

Despite stem cell and gene therapy trials, Holst Lange spots no diabetes cure eliminating the demand for insulin in the horizon.

”Insulin will play a role for many years. When I say many years, I’m talking decades of patients, type 1 and type 2, needing insulin,” he tells the newspaper.

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